
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Analysis and Standardization of Damping Systems for a Diesel Rotary Uninterrupted Power Supply

Izquierdo López de Arce, Luis ULiège
Promoteur(s) : Béchet, Eric ULiège
Date de soutenance : 26-jui-2019/27-jui-2019 • URL permanente :
Titre : Analysis and Standardization of Damping Systems for a Diesel Rotary Uninterrupted Power Supply
Auteur : Izquierdo López de Arce, Luis ULiège
Date de soutenance  : 26-jui-2019/27-jui-2019
Promoteur(s) : Béchet, Eric ULiège
Membre(s) du jury : Duysinx, Pierre ULiège
Golinval, Jean-Claude ULiège
Bruls, Olivier ULiège
Langue : Anglais
Discipline(s) : Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Ingénierie mécanique
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Diplôme : Cours supplémentaires destinés aux étudiants d'échange (Erasmus, ...)
Faculté : Mémoires de la Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] The goal of the present project is to optimise and standardize the damping system used for the DRUPS, core business of EURO-DIESEL. To achieve this, mechanical and economic analyses are conducted.
There are two different types of analysis within the present study. First, FEA-Simulations are conducted, based on the dynamic mechanical behaviour of the current configuration. These simulations allow the assessment of four configurations presented as potential alternatives to the base case scenario, where the different vibration isolators are located above and below the main frame. Second, the economic aspect is studied through the cost comparison of the current and new suppliers of vibration isolators, both for seismic and non-seismic configurations of the DRUPS.
The mechanical study starts with the definition of the optimal number and position of vibration isolators required by a specific configuration used by EURO-DIESEL, known as Alternative 1. This is based on the the static-beam equations and uses an in-house predesign tool. Then, the modal analysis and the response spectrum analysis are conducted through FEA-Simulations. The natural frequencies and modes are calculated in order to determine the seismic qualification of the machine, through the software ANSYS Finally, the stresses suffered by the machine are assessed and compared with the applying standards. In addition, the FEA model has been improved during the internship, in order to enhance the accuracy of the results
The economic analysis of the different manufacturers, both for the current and the potential substitutes, aims to reduce the total cost of the products. In addition, the ideal solution should avoid additional modifications, eventual maintenance problems and mainly, to reduce the dependence on several manufacturers. That way, the goal is a robust system, with an only supplier for each of the main vibration isolators (seismic and non-seismic), and a cost reduction.
Finally, both mechanical and economic studies are compared in order to decide if any of the alternatives regarding the DRUPS configurations or the vibration isolators (seismic or non-seismic) is optimal to substitute the current layout or manufacturers.



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  • Izquierdo López de Arce, Luis ULiège Université de Liège > conv. Erasmus en sc. appl.


Membre(s) du jury

  • Duysinx, Pierre ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Ingénierie des véhicules terrestres
    ORBi Voir ses publications sur ORBi
  • Golinval, Jean-Claude ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > LTAS - Vibrations et identification des structures
    ORBi Voir ses publications sur ORBi
  • Bruls, Olivier ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Laboratoire des Systèmes Multicorps et Mécatroniques
    ORBi Voir ses publications sur ORBi
  • Nombre total de vues 54
  • Nombre total de téléchargements 3

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