Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Title | Author(s) | Year | (Co)Promotor(s) |
Alcoolyse non catalysée de polyesters végétaux, une méthode plus verte pour la production de nouveaux polyuréthanes biosourcés | Baumsteiger, Chloé | 2021 | Richel, Aurore  |
Biocomposites made from starch and natural fibers: study of a new processing method and modeling of the biocomposites mechanical properties | Delahaye, Louise | 2020 | Richel, Aurore  |
Caractérisation des extraits phénoliques et du latex de l'Iroko (Milicia excelsa) | de Meeûs, Thomas | 2019 | Doucet, Jean-Louis ; Richel, Aurore  |
Catalytic Screening for the Production of Jet Fuel from Palmitic Acid | Aregawi, Mearg Alem | 2022 | Richel, Aurore  |
CO2 Hydrogenation to formate by using heterogeneous catalyst | Khalifeh, Mohamad | 2023 | Richel, Aurore ; moussa, Marwen |
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of an Atomic Oxygen Cleaning Device and Alternative Cleaning Strategies for Silk and Oil Paintings Preservation | Valakhanovich, Anastasiya | 2024 | Richel, Aurore ; Gabrielle, Benoit |
Development of a fractionation strategy for a spent coffee ground-based biorefinery | Thottathil, Adithya Raveendran | 2022 | Richel, Aurore  |
Development of new systems for hydrogen production and carbon capture technologies, along with its potential implementation in the South American market | López Muñoz, Ignacio Francisco | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Enhancing cellulose accessibility in oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) through optimized maleic acid pretreatment for improved glucose-to-ethanol bioconversion | Postiaux, Annaëlle | 2024 | Richel, Aurore ; Ogino, Chiaki |
Etude fondamentale de la conversion du D-glucose en 5-hydroxyméthylfurfural dans des solvants eutectiques profonds | Debroux, Gwénaëlle | 2019 | Richel, Aurore  |
Potential of Chlamydomonas pitschmannii as microalgal cell factory and laccase producer | Dasi, Pranita Shankar Rao | 2022 | Richel, Aurore  |
SCIP implementation for substitution of hazardous chemicals towards a safer circular economy | Correa Guillen, Erandy | 2023 | Richel, Aurore ; Miegielsen, Patrick; Angioletti, Daniela |
Study of the valorization of pretreated hemp inflorescence or shive for the production of fungal enzyme by solid-state fermentation | Wauters, Nicolas | 2017 | Jacques, Philippe ; Richel, Aurore  |
Travail de fin d'études: "Control mechanism and recommendations for eliminating a predatory contaminant in Chlorella cultures." | Perera, Uswaththa | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Travail de fin d'études: "Development of data, methodology and indicators for BioLink® Models in Value Chain Generator (VCG.AI®) towards the strengthening of circular bioeconomy." | Lugo Rodriguez, Paul Eduardo | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Travail de fin d'études: "Environmental impact assessment" | Salikandi, Mohammad | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Travail de fin d'études: "Extractive fermentation of 3-hydroxypropionic acid: exploring bioprocess intensification paths through experiments and models" | Akpari, Ephraim Edem Amoah | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Travail de fin d'études: "Literature review of biomethane production, with a preliminary life-cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis of an innovative biomethane production process (European Union - HYFUELUP Project)" | Rodrigo, Naresh Peter Basil | 2023 | Richel, Aurore  |
Understanding of lignin physico-chemistry in aqueous/alcohol biphasic system | Muzyka, Claire | 2020 | Richel, Aurore ; Schmetz, Quentin  |
Valorisation de la lignine de Sorgho commun muté ou non par sorption de métaux lourds | Mosseray, Matthieu | 2017 | Richel, Aurore  |