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Showing results 6469 to 6488 of 19029 < previous   next >
Access icon "Frequent flyers": une analyse comparative du phénomène dans deux services d'urgence, l'un urbain, l'autre suburbainKerstenne, Morgane2018Bay, Virginie ULiège; Ghuysen, Alexandre ULiège
Access icon FROIDEFONTAINE : de l'accès à la terre à l'agroécologie. Analyse socio-technique comparative de quatre niches d'innovationsGallez, Théodore2017Stassart, Pierre M ULiège
Access icon From "Developing" to "Smart" a scalable integration of the change in city's dimensions.Ngoie Kazadi, Drusilla2021Clement, Jessica ULiège
Access icon From a customer perspective, which digital should be implemented to improve customer experience in supermarkets?Pirotte, Maureen2024Delcourt, Cécile ULiège
Access icon From a strategic point of view, what are the opportunities for insurance companies behind the use of smart contracts through the blockchain technologyFranken, Bastian2018Ghilissen, Michael ULiège
Access icon From blockchain to the metaverse: the impact of emerging techonologies on the world of sports and sportwear brands - Nike case of studyBounameau, Robin2023Standaert, Willem ULiège
Access icon From CO2 to novel regioregular isocyanate-free poly(oxo-urethane)sNgassam Tounzoua, Charlene Gabriela2017Jérôme, Christine ULiège
Access icon From concept to market, drawing up a business plan for a medical deviceToussaint, Louis2023Desaive, Thomas ULiège; Mouvet, Xavier
Access icon From consumer-brand personality congruence to brand loyalty : case study on green brandsHougardy, Iris2020Gruslin, Claire ULiège
Access icon From mission analysis to systems engineering of the OUFTI-Next nanosatelliteDandumont, Colin2018Kerschen, Gaëtan ULiège
Access icon From Parity to Preference : Strategies to Differentiate KERSIA in BelgiumMatondo Malek Namuisi2024Leroi-Werelds, Sara
Access icon From story telling to strategic account management through revised value proposition in the blood glucose monitoring market. The case of Abbott Diabetes Care Benelux.Tailler, Serge2016Fredebeul-Krein, Markus ULiège
Access icon From the financial crisis to the bespoke tranche opportunity : study and analysis of the risks linked to those new subprimesRoemans, Anaëlle2019Sougné, Danielle ULiège
Access icon From the species perspective: the contribution of a fine scale microtopography analysis for the conservation of alpine bryophytesTheunissen, Kelly2024Vanderpoorten, Alain ULiège; Collart, Flavien
Access icon Fuel pricing in Belgium: Is the current formula the way forward?Collignon, Mathilda2024Jousten, Alain ULiège
Access icon Fugue de l'adolescente. Quel lien avec l'histoire d'attachement maternel ? (La)El-Moghrabi, Jihane2016Stassart, Martine ULiège
Access icon Functional analysis regarding the development of data interfaces as part of the implementation of an MDM of product data at Carrefour BelgiumDamoisaux-Delnoy, Leyla2019Schyns, Michael ULiège
Access icon Functional clean label starches in food applicationsSchiffers, Nicolas2019Sindic, Marianne ULiège; Debondt, Veerle
Access icon Functional structure of foraged plants by the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) through pollen metabarcoding in JapanWattel, Victor2024Francis, Frédéric ULiège
Access icon Functional study of retinoic acidactivated regulatory sequences and their role in the expression of hox genes in zebrafishLentjes, Colin2024Peers, Bernard ULiège