Pookott Alanchery, Amith Prasad
Promotor(s) : Maciej, Taczala
Date of defense : 2019 • Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2268.2/8629
Title : | Structural Design of Sea Gates against Tsunami Loads considering Ultimate Strength |
Author : | Pookott Alanchery, Amith Prasad |
Date of defense : | 2019 |
Advisor(s) : | Maciej, Taczala |
Language : | English |
Discipline(s) : | Engineering, computing & technology > Civil engineering |
Target public : | Researchers Professionals of domain Student |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique |
Degree: | Master de spécialisation en construction navale |
Faculty: | Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées |
[fr] A series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water,
generally in an ocean or a large lake is termed as a Tsunami or a tidal wave or a seismic sea
wave. It is normally triggered by the factors like volcanic eruptions, earthquake, underwater
explosions, landslides, glacier calving, meteorite explosions etc. The wavelength of the
Tsunami waves is much larger when compared to the normal sea waves. Unlike the normal
sea waves which appear as a breaking wave, tsunamis appear initially like a rapidly rising tide
comprising of a series of waves, with their periods ranging from minutes to hours.
Japan is a country known for its record history of Tsunamis. The Great East Japan earthquake
off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, 2011 with a magnitude of 9-9.1(Mw) initiated some
influential tsunami waves that stretched elevations of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft.) in Miyako in
Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture and which travelled up to 10 km inland , in the Sendai area. The
death counts recorded were around 15,896 along with destruction to nuclear power plants,
roads, railways, buildings etc. It was declared as the costliest natural disaster in history with
the estimated economic cost of US$235 billion by the World Bank.
Based on the studies conducted by the joint Tsunami survey teams under the main survey
group, as an aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami, many conclusions were implemented on
the characteristics of the tsunami wave. The unrivalled scale and the low frequency of
occurrence are believed to have led to the complex behaviour of the wave. The performance
of the Tsunami counter measures available then, before the tsunami were evaluated based on
the survey and other experiments numerical analyses. This actually paved the way for the
understanding of the limitations of the countermeasures used till then and made the
government think of new possible ideas/technologies that could be implemented in future for
better protection.
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