
Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie
Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie

Tackling the Migration and Refugee Crisis at EU Borders : Patterns of Policy Learning and Change

Cannata, Giuseppe ULiège
Promotor(s) : Michel, Quentin ULiège
Date of defense : 20-Aug-2021/3-Sep-2021 • Permalink :
Title : Tackling the Migration and Refugee Crisis at EU Borders : Patterns of Policy Learning and Change
Translated title : [en] Tackling the Migration and Refugee Crisis at EU Borders: Patterns of Policy Learning and Change
Author : Cannata, Giuseppe ULiège
Date of defense  : 20-Aug-2021/3-Sep-2021
Advisor(s) : Michel, Quentin ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Panebianco, Stefania 
Bousetta, Hassan ULiège
Language : English
Number of pages : 78
Keywords : [en] European Union
[en] policy learning
[en] migration crisis
[en] policy change
Discipline(s) : Law, criminology & political science > Political science, public administration & international relations
Target public : Researchers
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale, à finalité
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie


[en] The migration and refugee crisis of 2015–2016 had a major impact on different dimensions
of European politics and called into question the process of European integration. Such a
disruptive crisis triggered a variety of policy responses, some of which appear to imply
fundamental changes in underlying policy paradigms. To make sense of these non-incremental
changes, the present research provides an insight into EU crisis decision-making, analysing its
underlying mechanisms and dynamics through the lenses of the contingent learning approach.
Indeed, the emergence of such changes is interpreted as going through a surprise-triggered
understanding of cue–outcome associations in the context of the crisis and consequent
behavioural adaptation, which took place without substantial alteration of beliefs systems. To
test this hypothesis the present research employed process tracing methods, drawing on semi-
structured interviews and qualitative analysis of official documents to reconstruct a possible
causal sequence of crisis decision-making. The present analysis provided substantial evidence
for the validity of such an interpretation, which can effectively complement the insights
provided by integration theories and contribute to the understanding of the impact of crises on
the Union.



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  • Cannata, Giuseppe ULiège Université de Liège > Mast. sc. pol. or. fin. CATANE (IN)


Committee's member(s)

  • Panebianco, Stefania University of Catania | UNICT · Department of Analysis of Political, Social and Institutional Processes (DAPPSI)
  • Bousetta, Hassan ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences sociales > Centre d'études de l'ethnicité et des migrations (CEDEM)
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
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