
Faculté des Sciences Sociales
Faculté des Sciences Sociales

Civil Society Organizations and Migrant Sex Workers' Rights: Exploring the Challenges, Strategies and Achievements of CSOs in Barcelona

Grigoletto, Lora ULiège
Promotor(s) : Mescoli, Elsa ULiège
Date of defense : 28-Aug-2023/1-Sep-2023 • Permalink :
Title : Civil Society Organizations and Migrant Sex Workers' Rights: Exploring the Challenges, Strategies and Achievements of CSOs in Barcelona
Author : Grigoletto, Lora ULiège
Date of defense  : 28-Aug-2023/1-Sep-2023
Advisor(s) : Mescoli, Elsa ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Razy, Elodie ULiège
Hellgren, Zénia 
Language : English
Discipline(s) : Social & behavioral sciences, psychology > Sociology & social sciences
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master en sociologie, à finalité spécialisée en Immigration Studies
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences Sociales


[en] This study assesses the influence of Civil Society Organizations’ support on the social and political rights of migrant sex workers in Barcelona. Qualitative research, conducted between October 2022 and July 2023, combines participant observations, ethnography, in-depth interviews, and netnography to comprehensively explore the experiences and challenges faced by foreign sex workers and the strategies employed by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to solve these challenges. Findings reveal that CSOs employ visibility, alliances, language reappropriation, and public engagement to shape political discourse and improve social protection. Challenges include exclusion from policymaking, misuse of anti-trafficking measures, and the mobility of sex workers. CSOs in Barcelona have contributed to legal advancements, access to health and housing, activists' empowerment and collective identity. This research underscores the vital role CSOs play in advocating for the rights of migrant sex workers, shedding light on their strategies, achievements, and challenges within Barcelona's context. It contributes to understanding civil society's impact on marginalized communities and offers insights for enhancing social and political support systems. In a dynamic and evolving urban landscape, this study provides nuanced perspectives on how civil society engagement influences the rights and well-being of vulnerable populations, emphasizing the need for continued and reinforced collaboration and advocacy to achieve meaningful change.



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  • Grigoletto, Lora ULiège Université de Liège > Mast. soc. fin. spéc. imm. stud. (double diplomation OUT)


Committee's member(s)

  • Razy, Elodie ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences sociales > Labo d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle (LASC)
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Hellgren, Zénia
  • Total number of views 31
  • Total number of downloads 1

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