
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Dynamic modelling and analysis of a compressor test rig

Destexhe, Julie ULiège
Promotor(s) : Drion, Guillaume ULiège
Date of defense : 6-Sep-2018/7-Sep-2018 • Permalink :
Title : Dynamic modelling and analysis of a compressor test rig
Translated title : [fr] Modélisation et analyse dynamique d'un banc compresseur
Author : Destexhe, Julie ULiège
Date of defense  : 6-Sep-2018/7-Sep-2018
Advisor(s) : Drion, Guillaume ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Lemort, Vincent ULiège
Maljean, Stéphane 
Van Droogenbroeck, Marc ULiège
Language : English
Number of pages : 75
Keywords : [fr] modélisation non linéaire
[fr] Matlab
[fr] Simulink
[fr] Compresseur test facility
Discipline(s) : Engineering, computing & technology > Multidisciplinary, general & others
Engineering, computing & technology > Electrical & electronics engineering
Target public : Researchers
Professionals of domain
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master en ingénieur civil électricien, à finalité spécialisée en "electrical engineering"
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] The compressor is part of a turbomachinery involved in aircraft engine. A modelling of
a compressor test rig is operated for a constant speed line and restricted to slow transient
time evolution. The test rig is driven thanks to the regulations of the control valves. The
time constants of the system are computed to identify the relevant dynamic equations.
Assumptions and laws are then gathered in a non-linear system solved by an iterative
method finding a convergence point at each time step. The sensibility of the valve opening
on the whole system is studied by a perturbation method. It appears that the largest
time constant is led by the thermal inertia of the circuit. The dynamic behaviour of the
fluid is simulated in both Matlab (code source) and Simulink (graphical environment)
and leads to the same results.



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  • Destexhe, Julie ULiège Université de Liège > Master ingé. civ. électr., à fin.


Committee's member(s)

  • Lemort, Vincent ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Systèmes énergétiques
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Maljean, Stéphane Safran Aero Boosters > Test Cells (Cenco)
  • Van Droogenbroeck, Marc ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Télécommunications
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Total number of views 178
  • Total number of downloads 92

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