
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Implementation of a Platform for Computer Security and Network Labs

Pire, Renaud ULiège
Promotor(s) : Donnet, Benoît ULiège
Date of defense : 26-Jun-2019/27-Jun-2019 • Permalink :
Title : Implementation of a Platform for Computer Security and Network Labs
Translated title : [fr] Implémentation d'une Plateforme pour des Laboratoires de Réseau et Sécurité Informatique
Author : Pire, Renaud ULiège
Date of defense  : 26-Jun-2019/27-Jun-2019
Advisor(s) : Donnet, Benoît ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Donnet, Benoît ULiège
Leduc, Guy ULiège
Boigelot, Bernard ULiège
Language : English
Number of pages : 108
Discipline(s) : Engineering, computing & technology > Computer science
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master en ingénieur civil en informatique, à finalité spécialisée en "computer systems and networks"
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] Networking is a domain with a strong growth due to the interest of both industries and individuals. It leads to an high increase of the demand of expert in the domain. More and more courses at the University of Liège tackles parts this subject from basic concepts to advanced ones such as network security. To be prepared for active life, the students have to attend practical labs. However, it is not possible to provide physical devices for each student, therefore, software are used to emulate the networks. As the currently used software are quite old and new courses with new requirements are created, the purpose of this thesis is to find a software with additional features to handle both old and new labs.

The CORE emulator has be selected from a pool of fifty software because it is an lightweight and up-to-date emulator, which comes with multiple features. It has been installed in a virtual environment to be port easily on various machines, then a plugin has been implemented to increase its user-friendliness. Finally, the network scenarios of several courses had been ported on the CORE software to identify its advantages, drawbacks and limitations and to provide a pool of application examples for further scenarios.

This work has highlighted the panel of possibilities and features offered by the CORE emulator which can be compared to the ones of the software that are currently used. Moreover, it has shown how easy it is to create a plugin for the software in order to modify and customise it.



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Description: Directory containing the Dockerfile and the different files and folders that are added in the container (labs implementation, customisation of the emulator, etc).
Size: 4.95 MB
Format: Unknown


  • Pire, Renaud ULiège Université de Liège > Master ingé. civ. info., à fin.


Committee's member(s)

  • Donnet, Benoît ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Algorithmique des grands systèmes
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Leduc, Guy ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Réseaux informatiques
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Boigelot, Bernard ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Informatique
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Total number of views 152
  • Total number of downloads 0

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