
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Master's Thesis : Economical, technical and legal study related to the development of semi-public and public charging infrastructure in Belgium

Bodarwé, Gilles ULiège
Promotor(s) : Ernst, Damien ULiège
Date of defense : 25-Jun-2020/26-Jun-2020 • Permalink :
Title : Master's Thesis : Economical, technical and legal study related to the development of semi-public and public charging infrastructure in Belgium
Translated title : [fr] Etude économique, technique et légale liée au développement de l'infrastructure de recharge publique et semi-publique en Belgique.
Author : Bodarwé, Gilles ULiège
Date of defense  : 25-Jun-2020/26-Jun-2020
Advisor(s) : Ernst, Damien ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Mathieu, Sébastien ULiège
Gemine, Quentin ULiège
Fonteneau, Raphaël ULiège
De Koster, Michael 
Language : English
Number of pages : 70
Keywords : [en] EV, Public charging
Discipline(s) : Engineering, computing & technology > Electrical & electronics engineering
Target public : Professionals of domain
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master : ingénieur civil électricien, à finalité spécialisée en "electric power and energy systems"
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] It has been heard, seen, and shown that EV uptake is rapidly increasing. However, the main exponential growth is still tocome during the 2025-2035 period. For the expected adoption to happen, early adopters first have to be convinced. Asthey are open to innovation and have above average financial liquidity, the EV uptake will normally be reached. But forthe early majority to adopt EV, public charging will be necessary as the main proportion of these customers will be livingin cities and not own a parking spot.The main factor making early adopters and the majority of would-be consumers hesitate is the range anxiety. Rangeanxiety will be solved by developing a reliable charging infrastructure. However, 4 scenarios appear, the infrastructurecould be public or semi-public and could use either slow or fast charging technology. Due to different possibilities andrapid changes on the market, the need to identify and understand the key factors influencing the attractiveness for a privatecompany to invest in a (semi-)public infrastructure is clear.In this paper, a comprehensive method will be developed to analyze different business opportunities in the objective todetermine and highlights the current best investments. The method includes an economical, technical, legal and practicalpart to analyze the entirety of the project. The main focus is in the economical part where a method to calculate theexpected volume of charge and the sensitivity of the cases on the parameters of interests are developed. After havinganalyzed current, fictive and disruptive business opportunities, the main conclusions can be drawn. The volume of energysold and the spread between the sourcing and selling prices are the most important parameters, however, their importancevary with the technology of the charger. Volume is more important for fast charging whereas slow charging depends moreon the selling price, which reduces the risk for the company investing. The potential need of a transformer is also animportant parameter to consider, as it is particularly costly compared to the charger itself. Public fast charging is stillnot viable and semi-public fast charging is interesting and the investment decision will depend on the site location andthe need for a transformer. Public slow charging is the best investment choice, bringing the higher rate of return in theshortest period of time thanks to lower investments. Moreover, investing now would mean securing good locations andvaluable experience for the future. Wireless charging is very promising; Engie could easily compete on the market thanksto its client proximity and capabilities if invested quickly enough, via EVBox or acquisitions in wireless charging. Thereal game changer on the market will be Dynamic Wireless Charging, but technology still needs important cost reductionbefore it becomes widespread.



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Description: Travail de fin d'études.
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Description: Executive Summary
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Description: Business Model Canvas
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Access fastVSslowNew.PNG
Description: Fast and slow charging solutions for Brussels.
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Access sensitivityPublic.PNG
Description: Sensitivity analysis of the public slow charging case in Brussels.
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  • Bodarwé, Gilles ULiège Université de Liège > Master ingé. civ. électr., à fin.


Committee's member(s)

  • Mathieu, Sébastien ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Smart grids
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Gemine, Quentin ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Smart grids
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • Fonteneau, Raphaël ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège > Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Smart grids
    ORBi View his publications on ORBi
  • De Koster, Michael
  • Total number of views 49
  • Total number of downloads 0

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