
Browsing by Promotor : Dimitriadis, Grigorios

Showing results 21 to 28 of 28 < previous 
Access icon Master thesis and internship[BR]- Master's thesis : Development of an aero-servo-elastic model for the Cessna 172.[BR]- Integration InternshipHinojo Fernandez, Guillermo2022Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège
Access icon Master thesis and internship[BR]- Master's thesis : Experimental Procedure for Measuring the Noise Annoyance from Multi-Rotor Maneuvers using a UAV System[BR]- Integration InternshipBeaulieu, Guillaume2022Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège; Schram, Christophe
Access icon Master thesis and internship[BR]- Master's thesis : Investigation of various transonic stabilisation techniques for full potential flows calculation in DARTFlo[BR]- Integration InternshipBrian, Guillaume2022Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège
Access icon Mistuned Flutter Analysis of Strongly Coupled Bladed Disks in Conjunction with Reduced Order ModelingFranz, Dimitri2017Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège
Access icon Numerical and experimental investigation of the flutter behaviour of cantilevered flat plate wingsGarrido Velasco, Alvaro2021Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège; Andrianne, Thomas ULiège
Access icon On the use of different test gases in the longshot tunnel to simulate different planetary entriesPurnode, Martin2020Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège
Access icon Structural modelling for the flutter analysis of the S200 aircraftLempereur, Bastien2018Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège
Access icon Unsteady pressure measurement around aerodynamic bodies: Development of a calibration apparatus and wind tunnel testingRigo, François2017Andrianne, Thomas ULiège; Dimitriadis, Grigorios ULiège