Effects of the meteorite and comet impacts on the degassing of volatile contained in martian heterogeneous regolith
Piette, Aurélien
Promoteur(s) : Dehant, Véronique ; Jehin, Emmanuel
Date de soutenance : 6-sep-2021/7-sep-2021 • URL permanente : http://hdl.handle.net/2268.2/12754
Titre : | Effects of the meteorite and comet impacts on the degassing of volatile contained in martian heterogeneous regolith |
Titre traduit : | [fr] Effet des impacts de comètes et de météorites sur le dégazage de volatile contenu dans la régolithe hétérogène de Mars |
Auteur : | Piette, Aurélien |
Date de soutenance : | 6-sep-2021/7-sep-2021 |
Promoteur(s) : | Dehant, Véronique
Jehin, Emmanuel |
Membre(s) du jury : | Karatekin, Ozgur
Bonfond, Bertrand Javaux, Emmanuelle |
Langue : | Anglais |
Nombre de pages : | 69 |
Mots-clés : | [en] Mars [en] Impacts [en] methane [en] Regolith [en] model |
Discipline(s) : | Physique, chimie, mathématiques & sciences de la terre > Aérospatiale, astronomie & astrophysique |
Centre(s) de recherche : | Royal Observatory of Belgium |
Public cible : | Chercheurs Professionnels du domaine Etudiants Grand public |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique |
Diplôme : | Master en sciences spatiales, à finalité spécialisée |
Faculté : | Mémoires de la Faculté des Sciences |
[en] The goal of this master’s thesis iw to better understand Mars and its complex processes and more specifcally to understand if the heterogeneity of the martian regolith may impact the degassing of volatile due to small impactors.To do so the increase of temperature as a result of impact energy is theoretically and numerically investigated. A modelisation of the increase of impact-induced temperature is proposed with an analytcial method : the Murnaghan equation of state.Then a comparison with a hydrocode (numerical method) is considered. To study the environmental effect, the evolution of the temperature following an impact for a martian year is calculated using the Crank-Nicholson method. The effect of the heterogeneity of the martian subsurface is then studied with the use of different plausible scenarii of different locations of interest on Mars. Finally, the results for each scenarii are compared with the depth of the ice table or the clathrate stability zone to assess its destabilization and thus degassing of methane.
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