Ndong Penda, Rosa Melvine
Promoteur(s) : Nguyen, Laurent
Date de soutenance : 4-jui-2023 • URL permanente :
Titre : | Thesis, COLLÉGIALITÉ |
Titre traduit : | [fr] Décrypter la contribution de COUP-TF1 dans le défauts de migration des neurones de projection survenant lors d’une exposition prénatale à l’alcool |
Auteur : | Ndong Penda, Rosa Melvine |
Date de soutenance : | 4-jui-2023 |
Promoteur(s) : | Nguyen, Laurent |
Membre(s) du jury : | Voz, Marianne
Franzen, Rachelle Seutin, Vincent |
Langue : | Anglais |
Nombre de pages : | 50 |
Mots-clés : | [en] FASD [en] COUP-TF1 [en] Migrating projection neurons |
Discipline(s) : | Sciences de la santé humaine > Multidisciplinaire, généralités & autres |
Organisme(s) subsidiant(s) : | FNRS |
Centre(s) de recherche : | GIGA STEM CELLS: Laboratory of molecular regulation of neurogenesis |
Intitulé du projet de recherche : | Deciphering the contribution of COUP-TF1 in the migration defects of projection neurons occurring upon prenatal alcohol exposure |
Public cible : | Chercheurs Professionnels du domaine |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique |
Diplôme : | Master en sciences biomédicales, à finalité approfondie |
Faculté : | Mémoires de la Faculté de Médecine |
[en] Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a major public health issue worldwide and the most
preventable cause of intellectual disability. The most severe form of FASD is fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS), which is characterized by growth deficiencies (mild microcephaly), specific facial
malformations and severe central nervous system (CNS) impairments. The lack of awareness on
the devastating effects of alcohol in utero and the insufficient expertise in diagnosing FASD have
led to an increase in the prevalence of this pathology over the past years.
FASD has been reported to impact diverse neural cell types and activity across the developing
cerebral cortex, but the precise pathophysiological effects on developing projection neurons
(PNs) are unclear. Studies in rodents reported that in utero alcohol exposure alters PN
development at several stages like proliferation, migration, differentiation and maturation.
Previous experiments in the host laboratory focusing on PNs revealed impairments in migration
dynamics upon PAE coupled with COUP-TF1 upregulation.
In the present research study, we used the drinking in the dark paradigm (DID) model of alcohol
administration to assess the role of COUP-TF1 in the migratory defects observed upon PAE. This
mode of ethanol administration was chosen compared to other models such as gavage and
injection because it was shown to mimic the human pattern of binge-drinking, induce a slow
increase in blood alcohol (BAC) and less maternal stress.
We showed that alcohol-induced migratory defects in PNs were rescued by the downregulation
of COUP-TF1 in migrating PNs by in utero electroporation of a plasmid expressing miRNA against
COUP-TF1 under the promoter DCX in PAE dams. Altogether, these findings suggest that COUP TF1 is the main target gene responsible for migratory defects upon PAE. This reinforces the
interest to further investigate the molecular mechanisms by which COUP-TF1 affects migration
of PNs upon PAE which might contribute to better understanding the pathophysiology of FASD.
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