
HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège
HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège


De Bruyne, Alix ULiège
Promotor(s) : Gruslin, Claire ULiège
Date of defense : 21-Aug-2024/7-Sep-2024 • Permalink :
Title : Mémoire-projet
Author : De Bruyne, Alix ULiège
Date of defense  : 21-Aug-2024/7-Sep-2024
Advisor(s) : Gruslin, Claire ULiège
Committee's member(s) : Naisse, Valérie 
Delcour, Zoé 
Language : French
Discipline(s) : Business & economic sciences > Marketing
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master en sales management, à finalité spécialisée
Faculty: Master thesis of the HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège


[en] This master thesis explores the relationship between in-store digitalization and customer loyalty within the lingerie retail sector, with a specific focus on the Etam Belux brand. The research addresses the integration of digital tools into a smart retail strategy, aiming to enhance the shopping experience and foster customer loyalty among Generation Y.
Research Context and Objectives
The retail landscape has significantly evolved with the rise of e-commerce and the increasing importance of digital tools in physical stores. For brands like Etam, which operate in a highly competitive and consumer-driven market, integrating digital solutions is essential to meet customer expectations and differentiate from competitors. This thesis aims to examine how digitalization within stores can positively influence customer satisfaction and loyalty while identifying the most effective digital tools to be included in Etam's omnichannel retail strategy.
The primary research questions addressed in this thesis are:
1. Is there a correlation between in-store digitalization and customer loyalty?
2. What are the most effective digital tools to include in Etam’s retail strategy to enhance customer loyalty?
3. What are the expectations of Generation Y in terms of omnichannel retail and in-store digitalization?
4. What concrete actions should managers implement to create an effective omnichannel strategy for Etam stores?
To answer these questions, a mixed-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative data was employed. Surveys were distributed to Etam customers, focusing on their experience with digital tools in-store, their shopping behavior, and their level of satisfaction. In addition, interviews with key stakeholders within the company, including store managers and digital experts, provided insights into the practical application and challenges of digitalization in retail settings.
The research also involved a comparative analysis of different digital tools, such as interactive tablets, connected fitting rooms, and click-and-collect services. These tools were evaluated based on their impact on customer engagement, convenience, and the overall shopping experience.
Key Findings
The research confirmed a strong correlation between in-store digitalization and customer loyalty. Customers who used digital tools such as connected fitting rooms and interactive tablets reported higher satisfaction levels, which translated into an increased likelihood of returning to the store. These tools, by offering convenience, personalization, and an enhanced shopping experience, effectively bridge the gap between online and offline retail experiences, a critical factor for Generation Y.
Among the various digital tools analyzed, connected fitting rooms and interactive tablets were identified as the most effective in fostering customer loyalty. These tools allow customers to receive personalized product recommendations, check stock availability, and explore additional products without leaving the fitting room. The seamless integration of these technologies into the physical shopping environment significantly enhances both the utilitarian and hedonic aspects of shopping, which are important for modern consumers.
Furthermore, the research highlighted the high expectations of Generation Y for omnichannel retail experiences. This generation values flexibility, ease of access, and personalized service. For Etam, developing a cohesive omnichannel strategy that integrates online and offline channels is crucial for meeting these expectations. The research suggests that improving in-store digital tools, alongside a well-coordinated customer relationship management system, can help Etam maintain its competitive edge and deepen customer loyalty.
Based on the findings, several recommendations were made to Etam's management to optimize their omnichannel strategy:
1. Enhance Digital Tools in Store: Focus on expanding the use of connected fitting rooms and interactive tablets across more stores, as these tools have been shown to significantly improve the shopping experience and drive customer loyalty.
2. Increase Awareness of Existing Tools: Introduce better in-store signage and promotions for existing digital tools such as click-and-collect and tablet services to inform customers about their availability and benefits.
3. Create a Customer Chief Officer Role: Appoint a Chief Customer Officer (CCO) to oversee the implementation of digital and omnichannel strategies, ensuring that all decisions remain customer-centric.
4. Develop Localized Customer Insights: Assign a dedicated in-store manager responsible for managing customer data and personalizing the shopping experience based on local trends and preferences. This role would also help coordinate digital and omnichannel initiatives tailored to the specific needs of each store.
This thesis demonstrates that the strategic implementation of digital tools in physical stores is essential for driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. For a brand like Etam, which aims to differentiate itself through customer experience, smart retailing offers a significant opportunity to meet the needs of modern consumers, particularly Generation Y. However, the success of such initiatives depends on continuous adaptation, investment in technology, and ensuring a seamless integration of digital tools with human interactions.
Future research could further explore the impact of digitalization on other consumer demographics, such as Generation Z or older generations, to refine the understanding of how digital tools influence shopping behavior across different age groups. Additionally, extending the scope to international markets could provide insights into how cultural differences affect the adoption and effectiveness of digital tools in retail.



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  • De Bruyne, Alix ULiège Université de Liège > Mast. sales. man. à fin. spéc. (en alternance)


Committee's member(s)

  • Naisse, Valérie
  • Delcour, Zoé
  • Total number of views 4
  • Total number of downloads 0

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