Analyzing failure behavior and prediction models for LH2 fuel tank
Sánchez Mogrovejo, Esteban Alexander
Promoteur(s) : Rigo, Philippe
Année académique : 2023-2024 • URL permanente :
Titre : | Analyzing failure behavior and prediction models for LH2 fuel tank |
Auteur : | Sánchez Mogrovejo, Esteban Alexander |
Promoteur(s) : | Rigo, Philippe |
Langue : | Anglais |
Discipline(s) : | Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Ingénierie mécanique |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany |
Diplôme : | Master : ingénieur civil mécanicien, à finalité spécialisée en "Advanced Ship Design" |
Faculté : | Mémoires de la Faculté des Sciences appliquées |
[en] As the demand for clean energy sources increases, liquid hydrogen is gaining attention as a promising alternative fuel for various applications. However, the unique properties of liquid hydrogen present challenges in ensuring the structural integrity and safety of fuel storage tanks. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of failure behaviour and prediction models for liquid hydrogen storage tanks through a literature review and the development of a case study. In addition, this thesis will conduct an in-depth investigation of fatigue growth parameters and collect data to analyse fatigue growth rates for hydrogen storage tanks. This includes reviewing suitable materials for liquid hydrogen fuel tanks, examining their fatigue characteristics, and compiling relevant data. The objective is to gain insights into the risk factors that contribute to fatiguerelated failures and understand their impact on tank performance and durability.
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