
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Hydrostatic test on tanks during the section stage of a ship: The case study of the PSV 5000

Martino, Alessandro ULiège
Promoteur(s) : Renardo, Florin
Date de soutenance : 2016 • URL permanente :
Titre : Hydrostatic test on tanks during the section stage of a ship: The case study of the PSV 5000
Auteur : Martino, Alessandro ULiège
Date de soutenance  : 2016
Promoteur(s) : Renardo, Florin 
Membre(s) du jury : Sekulski, Zbigniew 
Langue : Anglais
Nombre de pages : 183
Discipline(s) : Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Ingénierie civile
Public cible : Chercheurs
Professionnels du domaine
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Diplôme : Master de spécialisation en construction navale
Faculté : Mémoires de la Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] The main topic discussed in the thesis, is the “Hydrostatic test on tanks during the section stage of a
ship” and it is particularly focused on the existing project of the vessel PSV5000. The hydrostatic test
is framed from the international rules (IACS S.14; Lloyd's Register; etc...) as a structural test carried
out to demonstrate the tightness of the tanks and the structural adequacy of the design of the vessel.
The test is required for all the types of tanks present on board in consideration of the different types of
structure and location. Only after this test the Class Society assigns the usability of the tank and it is
accepted by the client. So the hydrostatic test that could appear simply as secondary activity in the
whole complexity of the shipbuilding construction, it is a condicio sine qua non for the final delivery.
In the actual organization of the ship production process at DAMEN Shipyard Galati the hydrostatic
test is performed after the launching of the ship, during the commissioning, using the pump systems
installed on board for the displacement of the masses of water from one tank to another one and for the
discharge. The main concern about this strategy is in the event if the tank fails the test. The problem
will affect the engineering department that must redesign the tank and inevitably the production chain
will stop and be compromised. If a huge structural modification is required, it becomes a difficult task
to solve in advanced state of construction. It must be considered also that in normal conditions this test
is performed in a period very crowed of activities and few time available, with the high risk of
overlapping, bottleneck issues and delays. Therefore, the thesis was oriented to identify the possibility
to perform the hydrostatic test at the earlier building stage of the ship, preferably at the section stage of
the fabrication process of the vessel. It could have a positive impact on all the production chain if
shortening of expenditures and of delivery time are obtained. So the main goal is to find the point of
construction stage where technically it is possible to carry out the test and to verify that this constitutes
an advantage for the shipyard.
The tanks that must be tested are individuate on the structural test plan of the PSV 5000, this plan is
already prepared at the shipyard and approved from the class society. Knowing the position and
distribution of the tanks, it is analyzed the building strategy of the vessel PSV 5000 in construction in
the dry dock. The analysis returns eligible stage points where the test could be performed, they are
chosen on the base of the stage of completion of the structure, presence of critical equipment that must
be insert as well as weights that load over the tank. At this point it is necessary to check whether the
total load on each support below the ship does not exceed the limit of 50 tons. With this purpose the
software CVSL_64 was used, in which the project for the vessel PSV 5000 was uploaded and where it
is possible to insert the weight estimation with all the loads and their positions. The study indicates the
necessity of placing 4 four additional supports below the ship to sustain the weight of the structure,
foundations, piping, equipment and the mass of water added during the test. The dates of start and
finish of testing for each single tank are elaborated on the base of the actual planning, taking into
consideration all the activities that affect the completion of the tank.
In conclusion, it is possible to perform the hydrostatic test before the launch and to insert it in the
planning of the activities, but it must be take into account that the systems on board are not operative
yet. Thus must be used external pumps and special devices that they have to be available in time for
the test. Moreover an economic analysis returns a total cost of 6800€ for perform all the package of
activities of testing on the vessel. It is emerged that the main cost item is the man-hour. In addition
with the plan proposed for the test in the earlier stage, it is possible to save money without using fresh
water in the tanks that are designated to contain fuel, oil, or fresh water. This is possible because the
tests are performed before the painting. The amount of saving for the fresh water is of 1200€ (included
in the previous cost). In last analysis were advanced two proposals regarding investments in new
equipments, that could save man-hours, reduce the total time necessary for the test execution and
consequently provide more days of advantage on the final delivery day. The first investment gives the
possibility to introduce inflatable plugs that could reduce the time consumption of the 50% for the
preparation piping operations with a saving of 1300€ (to subtract to the total cost). To this saving it is
added the cost for the special equipments unnecessary that will not be prepared. Some other savings
come from the absence of welding and consequently the missing of paint/coating damaged by heat.
Thus the total cost it is reduced till 5200€. In addition to this investment it is possible to buy 4 four
more pumps. This allows the possibility to test till four tanks at the same time, With these solutions it
is possible to finish with a total advance of four working days on the previous schedule.



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  • Martino, Alessandro ULiège Université de Liège - ULiège >


Membre(s) du jury

  • Sekulski, Zbigniew
  • Nombre total de vues 22
  • Nombre total de téléchargements 285

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