Définition et implémentation de la stratégie de développement de la plateforme Euroquity dans le contexte revu des missions confiées au groupe Sowalfin
Bievelez, Romain
Promotor(s) : Sougné, Danielle
Date of defense : 19-Jun-2020/23-Jun-2020 • Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2268.2/8763
Title : | Définition et implémentation de la stratégie de développement de la plateforme Euroquity dans le contexte revu des missions confiées au groupe Sowalfin |
Translated title : | [fr] Definition and implementation of the development strategy of the Euroquity platform in the revised context of the missions entrusted to the Sowalfin Group. |
Author : | Bievelez, Romain |
Date of defense : | 19-Jun-2020/23-Jun-2020 |
Advisor(s) : | Sougné, Danielle |
Committee's member(s) : | Broché, Patrick
Pays, Isabelle Mol, Viviane |
Language : | French |
Number of pages : | 168 |
Keywords : | [en] fundraising [en] SME [en] Startup [en] Growth [en] Awareness raising [en] Support [en] Dashboard [en] Performance [en] EuroQuity [en] Capital Opening [en] Entrepreneurship [en] KPI [en] Investors [en] Project Management |
Discipline(s) : | Business & economic sciences > Accounting & auditing |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique |
Degree: | Master en sciences de gestion, à finalité spécialisée en Financial Analysis and Audit |
Faculty: | Master thesis of the HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège |
[fr] The 21st century brings an important transition in financing for businesses and in particular for start-ups. Raising funds is becoming an increasingly common way to accelerate the growth of one's business. All over Europe, numerous fund-raising support structures are emerging to help companies successfully open their capital. Aware of the stakes involved, the Sowalfin Group, partner of Walloon SMEs, has been licensed to operate the EuroQuity platform since 2015. This free digital service, initially developed by Bpifrance, supports the economic development of Wallonia by enabling project owners and companies to strengthen their equity capital by facilitating access to capital investors. The amounts thus raised will contribute to accelerating the growth of companies while stimulating job creation in the Walloon landscape.
It is in this context that the project: "Definition and implementation of the development strategy of the Euroquity platform in the revised context of the missions entrusted to the Sowalfin Group" presented in this thesis was born. This involves the pursuit of four main lines of action.
In response to the new missions that the Sowalfin Group is pursuing following the takeover of the orientation, awareness and support activities of the AEI (Agency for Entreprise and Innovation), its structure has been thoroughly reorganised. The preparation of a common analysis note for all financial departments now facilitates the exchange of information and synergy between the group's various non-financial and financial services, including EuroQuity.
Secondly, numerous missions to support users of the platform have been carried out in order to boost the platform's notoriety and make it known to the general public.
Thirdly, a programme to raise awareness of the opening of capital has been built in order to provide Walloon entrepreneurs with the best possible information on the fund-raising process. This programme will make it possible to overcome the fears of entrepreneurs generated by the complexity and specificity of the vocabulary related to this process.
Recently, a dashboard made up of KPIs has been set up. It will enable the EuroQuity service to measure the impact of its action and to situate whether the objectives set will be met.
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