How can Belgian professional football clubs use digital technologies to improve the experience of their fans and the return on investment for their sponsors?
Isabella, Laura
Promoteur(s) : Standaert, Willem
Date de soutenance : 5-sep-2022/10-sep-2022 • URL permanente :
Titre : | How can Belgian professional football clubs use digital technologies to improve the experience of their fans and the return on investment for their sponsors? |
Titre traduit : | [fr] Comment les clubs de football professionnels belges peuvent-ils utiliser les technologies numériques pour améliorer l'expérience de leurs fans et le retour sur investissement de leurs sponsors ? |
Auteur : | Isabella, Laura |
Date de soutenance : | 5-sep-2022/10-sep-2022 |
Promoteur(s) : | Standaert, Willem |
Membre(s) du jury : | Schyns, Michael
Bellin, Sébastien |
Langue : | Anglais |
Nombre de pages : | 92 |
Discipline(s) : | Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing |
Institution(s) : | Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique |
Diplôme : | Master en sciences de gestion, à finalité spécialisée en international strategic marketing |
Faculté : | Mémoires de la HEC-Ecole de gestion de l'Université de Liège |
[en] Digitalization and new technologies have been widely developed in football clubs in recent years. For example, stadiums are trying to become smart stadiums by using all kinds of technologies. These include 360-degree cameras, the use of virtual reality, the use of GPS sensors, the use of applications, the use of artificial intelligence tools and many more. In addition to these new technologies, clubs have become highly digitalized through the creation of websites and social networks.
All these advances have been put in place to improve the relationship that clubs have with their fans and sponsors. For the fans, the objective is to offer them a better fan experience. For sponsors, the aim is to see how the return on investment can be improved.
This thesis aims to understand how clubs use the technologies they have at their disposal to provide a better fan experience and to provide a measurable audience for sponsors to really measure their return on investment.
A qualitative survey was conducted to better understand what technologies clubs are using and how they are achieving benefits for fans and sponsors.
The survey revealed that some clubs are lagging behind in terms of digitalization. Furthermore, due to the different budgets available within clubs, they do not use the same technologies.
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