
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Effect of roll damping tanks on the motion of offshore wind turbine platforms

Rasheed, Bushra ULiège
Promotor(s) : Rigo, Philippe ULiège
Academic year : 2023-2024 • Permalink :
Title : Effect of roll damping tanks on the motion of offshore wind turbine platforms
Author : Rasheed, Bushra ULiège
Advisor(s) : Rigo, Philippe ULiège
Language : English
Keywords : [en] Roll Damping Tanks, CFD, sea-keeping
Discipline(s) : Engineering, computing & technology > Multidisciplinary, general & others
Funders : Hoppe Marine GmbH
Target public : Researchers
Professionals of domain
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master : ingénieur civil mécanicien, à finalité spécialisée en "Advanced Ship Design"
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] Roll Damping Tanks (RDTs) are passive roll-damping devices, employed in vessels to minimize
roll motion. However, their efficacy in controlling the motion of floating offshore platforms has
not been widely researched. This thesis investigates the effect of roll damping tanks on the
motion response of an offshore wind turbine platform. It further analyzes whether roll-damping
tanks are beneficial for a selected semi-submersible platform design. A semi-submersible
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) platform, “SEAWORTHY” from Floating Power
Plants (FPP) is selected for tank integration.
Design evaluation of the RDT system for the selected platform is conducted using in-house
methodologies developed at Hoppe Marine. A C-shaped box tank is designed and its placement
within the General Arrangement (GA) of the platform is determined. Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) analysis is conducted using OpenFOAM to obtain moment-phase diagrams
with respect to motion of the designed tank. A methodology for open-source CFD analysis of
RDTs on clusters is developed. Benchmark studies using experimental data from Field &
Martin and HERMes roll damping tanks are performed to validate the proposed CFD set-up
and methodology. After validation of previous benchmarks, a parameterized model of the
designed C-shaped tank is developed and analyzed. The resultant moment-phase curves are
calculated for the designed tank and converted into added mass and damping coefficients for
the platform.
Finally, a sea-keeping analysis using the open-source tool NEMOH is performed to compare
two configurations of the FOWT platform: with and without the RDT integrated. For
benchmarking, the roll Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) of the platform without tank is
compared with the RAO provided by FPP. Subsequently, the roll damping provided by the
tank is incorporated into the platform’s RAO. The effect of variation in the mass distribution
and the stiffness of the platform due to tank integration is investigated and the modified RAO
is computed. The influence of viscous damping is also studied. Final conclusions are drawn by
calculating the percentage reduction in peak of roll RAO, highlighting the designed RDT's
effectiveness for motion control. It was concluded that the platform’s high initial viscous
damping significantly limits the tank’s roll damping effectiveness. The efficacy of RDT is also
reduced by increase in Vertical Center of Gravity (VCG) of platform after tank integration.



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  • Rasheed, Bushra ULiège Université de Liège > Master ing. civ. méc. fin. spéc. adv. ship. design (EMSHIP+)


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