
Faculté des Sciences appliquées
Faculté des Sciences appliquées

Assessment of the Conditions of Medium-size Shipbuilding Company to Build Offshore Structures

Nguyen, Thua
Promotor(s) : Graczyk, Tadeusz
Date of defense : 2016 • Permalink :
Title : Assessment of the Conditions of Medium-size Shipbuilding Company to Build Offshore Structures
Author : Nguyen, Thua 
Date of defense  : 2016
Advisor(s) : Graczyk, Tadeusz 
Committee's member(s) : Bronsart, Robert 
Language : English
Number of pages : 126
Discipline(s) : Engineering, computing & technology > Civil engineering
Target public : Researchers
Professionals of domain
Institution(s) : Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Degree: Master de spécialisation en construction navale
Faculty: Master thesis of the Faculté des Sciences appliquées


[en] In recent decades, the competition in worldwide shipbuilding sector has become extremely tough and
intense due to two main reasons:
The first reason can be seen is the financial and economic crisis going along with reduction of oil price
affect effectively the world‟s shipbuilding industry. This causes the most painful impact on many
shipbuilding countries over the world by the biggest overcapacity of shipyards ever seen and far
greater supply of fleet than required by the global market.
The following reason is the overall EU shipbuilding situation has changed significantly. Global
competition has been increasing, especially from Asia, where low labour cost countries have taken
over building of more and more standard type of ships and manufacturing of many different and more
complex components for offshore structure.
As result, many shipyards have been disappeared or forced to make a series of structural changes
which have resulted in lower employment for its survivability.
Another solution is the EU shipbuilding has managed to maintain a strong position in highly
specialized and qualitatively outstanding products. The EU shipbuilding industry is well- known for its
ability to develop and deliver new cutting - edge solutions and innovative production processes to
existing and new markets.
By analyzing the practical condition in specific existing medium-sized shipyard, we can assess the
productivity and survivability of this type of company. The report has been conducted by going
through various factors that can help us to clear define the advantages and disadvantages of company
after that finds the solutions to enhance their strength and also minimize these drawbacks.
The evaluation of these factors determining competitiveness of shipyard is taken by the productivity,
production range, and attractiveness of product, subsidy rate, exchange rate and cost position.
The report specifies the possibility for construction not only for shipyard but also the feasibility of
some designs which are not always satisfied and impossible for practical work. This is noticed that
production work can modify the design drawing based on their long term experience so as to have
benefit to both shipyard and their clients.



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  • Nguyen, Thua


Committee's member(s)

  • Bronsart, Robert
  • Total number of views 15
  • Total number of downloads 787

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