
Browsing by Degree : Master en sciences économiques, orientation générale

Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Access icon An Empirical Re-assessment of the Finance-Growth NexusHobelsberger, Karin2020Artige, Lionel ULiège
Access icon Development strategies of BangladeshRahman, Farjana2018Artige, Lionel ULiège
Access icon Did the opening of the school contribute to the spread of Covid-19? Evidence from Italy.Ciccarelli, Carmela2022Schoenmaeckers, Jérome ULiège
Access icon Globalization, Labour productiviy and convergence in AfricaBahati Mukulu, Joseph2022Tharakan, Joseph ULiège
Access icon Government intervention to obtain climate objectives: how can public authorities steer the passenger transport market?Pieters, Arnout2019Jousten, Alain ULiège
Access icon Growth national economics based on the diffusion of digital innovationShepel, Larysa2022Walheer, Barnabé ULiège
Access icon International trade and poverty: Does international trade contribute to reduce poverty in developing countries?Bawe Masing Kozi2023Tharakan, Joseph ULiège
Access icon L'impact économique du terrorismeAsselio, Satya2016Gathon, Henry-Jean ULiège
Access icon Le business modèle de l'eSport et le fonctionnement du marché.D'Auciello, Silvio2021Gautier, Axel ULiège
Access icon Les critères de répartition de la dotation du Fonds des communes wallon respectent-ils les objectifs d’équité et d’efficience ?Leloup, Maëlle2020Jurion, Bernard ULiège
Access icon Life satisfaction and choice of housing : Impact of staying at home instead of nursing homesBertrand, Cédric2024Schoenmaeckers, Jérome ULiège
Access icon Maximizing employees' performance: the beneficial impact of salary and bonuses on worker's motivation and incentivesNicolae, Roxana2016Gautier, Axel ULiège
Access icon Modeling migration dynamics within the agent-based Harris-Todaro frameworkPasture, Martin2024Tharakan, Joseph ULiège
Access icon Profiling consumers based on their choice of payment method in physical stores in Belgium. An empirical application.Walczynski, Justine2021Schoenmaeckers, Jérome ULiège
Access icon Sharing platforms : customer loyalty, the result of calculative and affective commitment as a competitive advantage. The case of PM networkRekik, Maher2020Walheer, Barnabé ULiège
Access icon Sur base d’une analyse empirique de l’appel à projets “Territoire intelligent” initié en 2019 par la Région wallonne, comment développer une typologie des smart cities wallonnes sous le prisme du concept d’impact sociétal qui soit didactique et réappropriable pour les décideurs politiques locaux ?Heynen, Robin2020Esposito, Giovanni ULiège
Access icon Sustainable Growth Pillar within the Europe 2020 Index. A Sector level's DecompositionBalegamire Baraka, Remy2021Walheer, Barnabé ULiège
Access icon The Impact of Trade Agreement on Intra-regional trade flow of goods and services within West Africa countries (The ECOWAS)Yovo, Dede Venedia Vanessa2022Tharakan, Joseph ULiège
Access icon The influence of capital structure on the profitability of an enterpriseChrostowska, Natalia2020Jousten, Alain ULiège