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Showing results 6449 to 6468 of 18894 < previous   next >
Access icon Gabriel Chappuys retraducteur du Roland Furieux et traducteur des Cinq chants de L'Arioste.Analyse de la méthode de Chappuys à partir de son édition de 1582 (R50A) conservée à l'Université de LiègeDelwiche, Odile2024Miesse, Hélène ULiège
Access icon Gafam Market Power: the role of a firm's age, data, and overlapping economic activities in merger and acquisition strategiesMaitry, Robert2022Gautier, Axel ULiège
Access icon Gains d'efficience par l'approche One Health dans la maîtrise de la rage à MadagascarSimonis, Virginie2020Antoine-Moussiaux, Nicolas ULiège; Ethgen, Olivier ULiège
Access icon Gale sarcoptique canine : revue de littérature et analyse rétrospective de cas observés à la Clinique Vétérinaire Universitaire de LiègeDainef, Carole2024Mignon, Bernard ULiège
Access icon Gambling: The Influence of Advertising and Marketing on young people in BelgiumCastagna, Alexis2019Herbillon, Marie ULiège
Access icon Game Intelligent Analyst - Anomaly Detection in Casino Games using Machine Learning AlgorithmsMerchie, Florian2018Wehenkel, Louis ULiège; Boniver, Christophe
Access icon Games For Protesters : analysis of urban spaces in the city and repurposing digital simulationHamza Mohamed Imam Bashandy Taalab2018Tieleman, David ULiège
Access icon Gamification in the context of fitness and its impact on consumer subjective wellbeing : Stress & Self-esteemZaid, Mohamed2024Baiwir, Lisa ULiège
Access icon Gamification in Wellness Apps: Understanding the Effects of Badges and Leaderboards on User Engagement and StressLazizi, Rime2024Baiwir, Lisa ULiège
Access icon Gaming and Gambling Culture in JapanWilmotte, Laurence2019Thele, Andreas ULiège
Access icon Garanties contre le vice caché des animaux dans le cadre de la vente sous l'aspect du droit belge et l'aspect du droit internationalGillet, Erine2024Kohl, Benoît ULiège
Access icon Gas supply security in Europe and the key role of Russian gas imports : geopolitical or economical challenge for the European Union ?Lacroix, Nadège2016Niessen, Wilfried ULiège; Lahaut, Jean ULiège
Access icon Gaspar Noé, vers un cinéma de la cruauté ?Cliquennois, Marion2020Tomasovic, Dick ULiège
Access icon Gender analysis in the purchasing node in the tuna value chain in the central provinces of Vietnam - Case study of Binh Dinh ProvinceSundar Raj, Rachel2020Lebailly, Philippe
Access icon Gender Equality in the European Union and Japan A Comparative Case Law AnalysisRaucent, Emma2018Rocca, Marco ULiège
Access icon Gender stereotypes in fashion advertising on Instagram: a content analysisAceto, Gabrielle2023Delcourt, Cécile ULiège
Access icon Gender-gerelateerde taalverschillen. Kan er anno 2021 nog sprake zijn van taalverschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen?Le Boulengé, Ofelia2021Rasier, Laurent ULiège
Access icon Gene expression study of cytokine receptors by adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells in dogsZanchetta, Elise2019Antoine, Nadine ULiège
Access icon Gene regulatory network inference from observational and interventional expression dataSmetz, Colin2017Geurts, Pierre ULiège
Access icon Generative Artificial Intelligence in the field of Media Education: Designing a portfolio of educational activities to acquire media literacy competencies about and through GenAIBelva, Valentin2024Mayeur, Ingrid ULiège